Keeping YOU updated
in the Grand Valley!
These web updates and various articles will keep the Grand Valley up to date with new developments and happenings, locally.
Grand Valley Streets Alliance - August Newsletter
Hello and thank you for joining the Grand Valley Streets Alliance! Our goal is to make walking, cycling, rolling, or taking public transportation the easiest, cheapest, and safest option for getting around, and we can’t do it without a network of dedicated messengers and volunteers like yourself. I hope you are excited as we are to build and expand upon the groundwork laid by previous generations of activists in the Grand Valley!
City of Grand Junction Seeks Input on 7th Street Active Transportation Project
Community members can participate in the study by providing input regarding their current experience traveling along the 7th Street corridor whether biking, walking or driving a car at Additional feedback on the project can be provided by taking a short online survey which closes on Wed., July 31, 2024.